Defend small and large yachting, as well as all economic players linked to our industry

Destinataire(s) : Ministère de la mer, ministère de l'économie, Préfecture maritime de méditerranée, tous les élus locaux des secteurs concernés
Defend small and large yachting, as well as all economic players linked to our industry

New decrees of the Maritime Prefecture

 End of anchorages on the French Riviera

 Chronicle of a death announced for the Riviera economy

 The purpose of this petition is to inform and sensitize the various economic actors as well as the population on the new regulations concerning the anchorage relating to small (-24m) and large (+ 24m) pleasure craft, imposed by the Maritime Prefecture on the asks Parisian authorities.

Essentially under the guise of protecting Posidonia, the state decided to create a mooring ban for units over 20m.

A so-called consultation took place but many boating professionals have not had the opportunity to comment on these iniquitous decisions.

To date, the answers provided by the representatives of our associations do not satisfy us despite their efforts.

We do not wish to question the existence and the importance of Posidonia as well as the impact of the anchorage (whatever the size of the vessel) on it. Nevertheless, it seems reductive and unfair to consider that only pleasure damages Posidonia.

Our main concern is economic. What tourism tomorrow for our PACA region? In fact, yachting, and more particularly large pleasure craft, generates considerable financial and commercial dynamism in our region.

Far from sanctioning luxury customers, these measures precipitate their exodus to where others are already welcoming them with open arms. Departures have already been recorded in 2021 when we are all suffering a disastrous situation linked to the health crisis. Many yachts would even like to return, but this regulation is forcing them to look to other destinations. (Source PYA)

In the short term, we are asking for the suspension of these measures for the 2021 season and for real consultation between all the economic players concerned in order to put in place viable and eco-sustainable solutions for the future of our beautiful region.

For many years, yachting and its various stakeholders, supported by shipowners, have become aware of the importance of ecology in the operation and use of their vessel. Boating stakeholders are convinced that flora and fauna must be respected because they are essential elements of the ecological and economic lungs and a local pride that must be preserved at all costs.

-Creation of diplomas

-Professional crews

-Training and continuous awareness

-Modification of boats (black water tank, gray water in particular or even black water treatment station)

-Zero discharge to the sea

-Use of biodegradable products for the maintenance of yachts

-Clean Sea policy in ports

-Health certificate for commercial yachts

-The Donia app

Finally, there is a method to anchor your anchor in an eco-responsible way. This method taught to professional crews is also used on many websites.

In conclusion, today we would like to make decision-makers understand our desire to really participate in the development of viable projects to make ecology and economy coexist in a sustainable manner for the serene future of generations to come.

What we are asking for, the suspension of this decree for the year 2021 until the implementation of a solution and consultation with the active professional community.

Auteur : Mathieu REIX

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