Save Why Women Kill 3

Destinataire(s) : HBO Max, Paramount +, Hulu, The CW, and any other productions
Save Why Women Kill 3

Paramount + has cancelled the season 3 of Why Women Kill and that is unfair for the crew of this beautiful series and for the fans.

We have not the reasons of this, and it’s not respectable fort the crew and for us. It’s for this reason I’ve created this petition: to save Why Women Kill.

This season would be amazing, with a great cast. It’s one of the directors of the series who said that a few days ago the news. And we have to see it, because this series is so great, so powerful with its cast, its crew, and its storylines.

Why stop it when the season should start the 6th of July 2022? The script was finished, the cast was chosen, and the season 3 would start yesterday. It doesn’t make sense, so it’s for that I’ve done this.

Please, save wwk and sign this petition. Thanks for your help <3

Auteur : Baptiste Maitre

<% $t("Number of signatures:") %>

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<% signature.lapse %> <% signature.details.postalCode %> <% %> <%signature.details.surname %>
